Cloud Migration - We Can Help

Do it by the Book

Boeing Intelligence and Analytics (BI&A) is proud to announce the release of our new Cloud Migration Playbook. As an Amazon Web Services (AWS) Advanced Tier Services partner working our way to Migration Competency, our playbook drives every migration job with the same cadence and outcome. Large system cloud migrations come with many challenges and considerations. What on-premise infrastructure are you currently using? Have you considered your data, network, and security needs? What is the business driver for moving to the cloud? How will you know the cost and risk of migrating your system?

The BI&A Cloud Migration Playbook uses five phases – Evaluate, Plan, Design, Migrate, and Optimize - and is a compilation of industry best practices, our hard-earned experiences, and feedback from our customers and partners. Amazon’s philosophy is “there is no compression algorithm for experience.” That is why BI&A partnered with AWS to deliver a world-class migration experience for you.

Choosing the right migration strategy early on is critical to success. Making a migration decision for each application and associated infrastructure will have an impact on migration speed, cost, and level of benefits. One of the most important aspects of setting a strategy is understanding how it fits into your company's core business and technology. The primary driver for migration could be innovation and agility. If you need to reduce costs, modernizing some of your applications is a good idea. Before starting your migration journey, it is important to think about your strategy. When you are a start-up or small business it is important to get quick efficiencies and cost reductions. Let us help you navigate the cloud migration landscape and choose the right strategy for your desired outcome.

Cloud Migration Path and Transition

If you would like to connect with BI&A to discuss how we can help you through your cloud migration, please contact us at